Heathers - A Horror Story ?
Movies, Horror JES Campbell Movies, Horror JES Campbell

Heathers - A Horror Story ?

Okay, Heathers came out in 1989, which was my Senior year in high school, so I missed out on seeing it. I think my taste in movies of that era was alternating between the cool Batman with Michael Keaton, Dead Poet’s Society, and (maybe) Say Anything. I think I was wrapped in to the very subject matter that Heathers seeks to make fun of - High School peer pressure - something I really didn’1 pay attention to. Not that my taste in movies at the time portrayed the burgeoning horror aficionado I would later become, but to me this didn’t rate high on the scale of something I’d spend my Friday night’s going to see. So, I watched it with J&E.

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Taking a Bite out of Independence Day
Horror, Movies, Holidays JES Campbell Horror, Movies, Holidays JES Campbell

Taking a Bite out of Independence Day

I guess one of the earliest memories of a horror movie for me was one Summer when my folks took me to see 101 Dalmatians; it was around July 4th when they did this. Now, you may wonder what 101 Dalmatians really has to do with horror. I mean, aside from the fact that Cruella is running around skinning puppies for her wardrobe…

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On Spiritualism…

On Spiritualism…

Spiritualism is based on the belief that spirits exist and, basically, want to communicate with the living. Because of their insight, the spirits can provide moral/ethical issues and can be contacted through a medium who utilizes a spirit guide to provide insight. At the height of the religion between 1840-1920 (yes, this is considered a religious belief) over 8 million people followed it. It began to taper off in the 1880’s due to credibility issues by fraudulent mediums …

When I introduced Ray and Gwen in Gruff Ending, the intent was to introduce the two sides of the discussion. .. These represent (mostly) the warring sides of my own observations in Spiritualism and Mediumship where the things I’ve seen and experienced …

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